
Credit: Tenerrdis
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Tenerrdis labelling committee schedule

25 June 2024 Multi-filières
Published by Quentin MOREL
Viewed 664 times

Find out about the key dates to help you submit your projects for certification by our expert committees.

A certified project = a better chance of being financed

Labeling Committee Thursday, September 5

Priority targets: TASE PME, 1ere Usine, Transformation des PME par l'innovation.

  • Send us your project intentions now (or a draft depending on progress) to identify the main elements.
  • before the end of July: constitution of the labeling committee by Tenerrdis
  • Monday August 26: application sent by the applicant for a 1st detailed review by the cluster's management team (minimum 80% of the application completed)
  • Thursday August 29: reading feedback from the management team
  • Before audition: signature of commitment letter
  • Thursday, September 5: audition by labelling committee (times to be defined)
  • September 11: 1st Factory call for entries closes
  • September 15: TASE PME call for proposals closes

Labeling committee Tuesday, October 15

Priority windows: I Demo-Regionalized

  • Share your project intentions with us now
  • Week of September 16: a draft is sent (depending on progress) to identify the main elements.
  • Week of September 23 to 26: constitution of the labeling committee by Tenerrdis
  • Friday October 4: application sent by applicant for 1st detailed review by cluster management team (minimum 80% of application completed)
  • Thursday, October 10: feedback from reading team
  • Before audition: signature of commitment letter
  • Tuesday, October 15: audition by labeling committee (times to be defined)
  • Tuesday, October 29: Closure of the I-Démo Regionalized call for proposals

Labeling Committee Tuesday, December 10

Priority windows: RDI research, France 2030 vocational training

  • Share your project intentions with us now
  • Week of November 12: a draft is sent (depending on progress) to identify the main elements.
  • Week of November 18 to 22: constitution of the labeling committee by Tenerrdis
  • Monday December 2: application sent by applicant for 1st detailed review by cluster management team (minimum 80% of application completed)
  • Thursday, December 5: reading feedback from the cluster management team
  • Before audition: signature of commitment letter
  • Tuesday, December 10: audition by labellisation committee (times to be defined)
  • End of December: RDI research, France 2030 vocational training

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