Calendrier des événements

Catégories : Compétences
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GreenTech project : dissemination meeting



Participant Welcome


Welcome Speech by RTE and CMQ representative (UGA, Schneider, ENSE3, or Education Nationale)


Presentation of the GreenTech project


Round Table Discussion: challenges and solution to reinforce initial and continuous training on renewable energies, with GreenTech partners, students and stakeholders.


Break: networking opportunities


Networking and Thematic Workshops on Hydrogen, Photovoltaic, Wind energy, Network management & storage and Infrastructures with GreenTech module leaders: what can you find in the modules and the MOOC and what are the next steps?


Speed Dating: Companies and Students. Organized sessions for students to meet potential employers: Pre-arranged sessions with schools to ensure student attendance, Company representatives available for brief one-on-one meetings with students


Closing Remarks: Summary of the day's activities and insights, next steps and opportunities for continued collaboration


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Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

Vendredi 29 novembre 2024
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 29 novembre
L'événement est organisé en présentiel et en ligne
Campus transfo RTE
23 avenue Lionel Terray
69330 Jonage
En ligne
  • Gratuit


Campus transfo RTE

23 avenue Lionel Terray
69330 Jonage

Complément d'information (parking, Métro...)

Tramway arrêt Meyzieu

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Vendredi 29 novembre 2024
Date d'échéance des inscriptions : 29 novembre
L'événement est organisé en présentiel et en ligne
Campus transfo RTE
23 avenue Lionel Terray
69330 Jonage
En ligne
  • Gratuit

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