WEBINAR FOR ENERGY TRANSITION STAKEHOLDERS: Decarbonation, Batteries, Hydrogen, RE, Manufacturing...
Webinar Partners' Club
This webinar is aimed at professionals involved in the energy transition. It aims to provide an in-depth understanding of policies and financing opportunities related to decarbonization, batteries, hydrogen, renewable energies (RE) and industrial manufacturing.
Putting EU and FR policy into perspective: GREEN DEAL, France 2030...
Description : An in-depth analysis of key initiatives such as the European Green Deal and the France 2030 plan. We will discuss how these policies aim to strengthen European sovereignty in an increasingly competitive global context.
Objectives: Understand the strategies and objectives of these policies so you can align your projects with European and national priorities.
The main EU and FR funding opportunities available to project leaders
Description: An overview of the different sources of financing available at European and French level. We will cover grants, loans and tax incentives.
Objectives: Identify the right financing opportunities for your projects to maximize your chances of success.
What is public funding? Who are the funders?
Description: An explanation of public grants, the types of funders and the objectives they pursue. We'll look at the concepts of generalities, objectives and incentives.
Objectives: Navigate the complex landscape of public funding and understand the motivations of funders.
Regulatory framework and eligibility criteria for project sponsors
Description : An overview of the regulatory framework and eligibility criteria for accessing public funding.
Objectives : Prepare your files efficiently, in compliance with current criteria and regulations.
Financing opportunities at all stages of development of energy transition projects
Description: An exploration of the financing available at every stage of project development, from start-up to internationalization.
Objectives: To ensure continuous financing adapted to each phase of your project.
Fundamental & industrial research, Experimental development, Industrialization and marketing
Description: A reminder of the main phases of project maturity and the associated financial responses for each stage.
Objectives: Better understand the life cycle of a project and the financial support available at each stage.
Direct and indirect aid: how to optimize and combine funding
Description: Strategies for combining and optimizing direct and indirect aid while complying with European regulations.
Objectives: Maximize available financing and optimize its use for your project.
Conclusion and Q&A
Description: An interactive session to answer your specific questions and discuss your concerns.
Objectives: Provide clear, practical answers to help participants move forward with their energy transition projects.