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Consignment, a free tool for securing renewable energy projects

03 June 2024 Multi-filières
Viewed 163 times

As an alternative to a bank guarantee

Certain legal provisions require the production of a financial guarantee for decommissioning or safety.

Consignment is a free alternative to a bank guarantee:

As part of a call for tenders issued by the Commission de régulation de l'énergie (AO CRE ),or for projects classified as installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE) subject to financial guarantees (hydrogen production or storage, wind turbines, waste treatment or storage, for example).

As the formalities to be completed are limited to a few items, the deposit can be registered quickly and the guarantee obtained within a short time.

Unless the operator defaults, the sum deposited is returned to the operator, together with interest on the deposit, when the facility is commissioned (for an AO CRE) or when the activity ceases to operate (for ICPE). This guarantee can also be combined with or substituted for other types of guarantee.

To support compensation or contribution obligations

Because of their impact on the local agricultural economy, certain projects are subject to collective agricultural compensation. This compensation is intended to finance collective agricultural projects that will create economic value for the impacted agricultural ecosystem.

The operator may opt for consignment in order to :

  • facilitate the steering and management of this compensation
  • make the fundssecure, pending identification of the most appropriate offset projects
  • draw on an existing fund in the area concerned, to create a leverage effect.

This possibility will soon be extended to include the contribution to territorial value-sharing provided for in the law on accelerating the production of renewable energies.

More information on

Contact: Philippe Chazaud, Consignment Manager, Auvergne Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne Franche-Comté / 06 88 21 33 20

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