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Ecole de la Batterie project: first results

18 June 2024 Battery
Viewed 372 times

After just over a year in the making, theEcole de la Batterie project, in which Tenerrdis is a partner, is showing its first results.

In addition to the key figures for the period November 22 to December 23, which can be found in the document available for download, here are the main lessons learned by the project partners:

Embodying and popularizing to raise awareness and attract people to this industry
In France, the battery industry is new. Meeting with professionals, visual representation and scientific popularization are therefore necessary to answer the questions of the audiences we meet. A good understanding of the issues at stake is essential, even before talking about the training courses that can lead to this sector.

Being agile in the face of a nascent sector (even in a consortium)
Companies in the battery sector have varying degrees of maturity when it comes to their recruitment and training needs. We sometimes arrive too early, with some companies in the R&D phase, while others need to train quickly and in large volumes. Our job is to build both short-term solutions (for pressing needs) and medium-term solutions (to guarantee a steady flow of well-trained talent over the coming years). Short-term solutions also enable us to test both the content and format of our training courses.

Train the trainers and create appropriate teaching tools
A must. Upgrading the technical skills of teachers and trainers is a prerequisite for training the next generation of battery experts. It begins with raising awareness of the subject, then moves on to more specific topics. In order to provide the best conditions for teaching and learning, we have developed initial teaching tools, such as a battery production process simulator.

Project partners

AFPA, Pôle formation Isère, CMQ Smart Energy Systems Campus, CMQe Auto'Mobilités, Cnam (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), CESI, Arts et Métiers ParisTech - École Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers, Tenerrdis, EIT InnoEnergy, CEA INSTN, CORYS, HESAM Université, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, IMT Grenoble
, Grenoble INP - UGA and Verkor.

But also TOLV, PowerUp, WATTALPS, SAS CRITT M2A and France Travail.

An operation supported by the AMI "Compétences et Métiers d'Avenir" of the France2030 Program, with the Secrétariat Général pour l'Investissement, operated by Banque des Territoires, Groupe Caisse des Dépôts.


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