
Credit: EUSALP
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SUERA energy prices

30 September 2024 Multi-filières
Viewed 430 times

The decarbonization of the energy sector through solutions that improve energy efficiency and the deployment of renewable energies are necessary to mitigate climate change. The geographical and structural characteristics of the Alps offer good potential for making the Alpine region a "model region for renewable energies and energy efficiency", as envisaged in the Alpine Action Plan. energy efficiency", as set out in the European Union's Strategy for the Alpine Region (SUERA - EUSALP) action plan.

The SUERA Energy Award is an initiative of SUERA Action Group 9, launched under the aegis of the Italian Presidency of SUERA 2022. The award recognizes best practices that contribute to the implementation of the energy transition in the Alpine region through the deployment of renewable energies and energy efficiency measures.

The theme for the 2024 edition is energy transition in SMEs.

The energy transition can only succeed if all stakeholders participate! That's why EUSALP is looking for energy transition pioneers, because energy can be saved everywhere!

The 2024 edition of the award recognizes the measures, activities and projects of companies that significantly reduce their energy requirements, making them pioneers of the energy transition.

In particular, this edition is looking for top-performing companies that use soft technologies and measures to reduce their energy needs.

The international jury welcomes proposals from SMEs that have taken action in the following areas:

  • energy efficiency
  • renewable energy
  • carbon footprint
  • mobility
  • circular economy
  • communication

Why apply?

  • Awarded Energy Transition Pioneers will be promoted through SUERA media channels (website, newsletter, social media channels).
  • Energy Transition Pioneers will be awarded at the SUERA International Energy Conference (November 2024, Slovenia).
  • Award winners will receive international media coverage.
  • Winners will have the opportunity to network with other companies supporting the energy transition in Europe and the Alps.
  • Winners' initiatives will be featured in a promotional video supporting the replication of best practice.

Selection process and criteria

An international jury of experts from 6 SUERA countries (Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Liechtenstein, Slovenia, Switzerland) selects the projects submitted following a pre-selection process.

The following criteria are required to apply:

  • The submission is complete and comprehensible
  • Application is located within the EUSALP perimeter
  • Demonstration that the measures taken by the company have a positive impact on its energy performance
  • Ability to prove the measures implemented
  • Potential for business replication
  • Innovation in terms of technologies and soft measures implemented.

Applications can be submitted online until September 16.

To apply, click

For further information, visit the SUERA website.

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