
Energy & SHS Focus on efficiency and flexibility
How do the humanities and social sciences view energy efficiency and flexibility?
Response on Tuesday March 18 in Grenoble or by videoconference as part of the CNRS-SHS seminar, GAEL laboratory and Laboratoire Pacte.
-> 9:30 : Welcome
-> 10:00 : Introduction
-> 10:20 : Rétrospective 1990-2025 des indicateurs Énergie-Climat
-> 11:00:00-13:00: Round table "Efficiency in the building sector and in local areas"
-> 14:00-16:00: Round-table "Flexibility tested by the massive integration of renewable energies"
-> 16:00-17:00: Conclusion and research prospects
==> program:
==>free, compulsory registration:
With the participation of XavierArnauld de Sartre, Patrick Criqui, Gilles Debizet, Daniel llerena, Antoine Fontaine, Catherine Grandclement Anne-Gaëlle Guérin POMMERET Aude Marta Pappalardo Yannick Perez Beatrice Roussillon Frédéric Wurtz François MENARD Christine Gochard
This is one of 8 sessions in a seminar organized under the aegis of CNRS-SHS by Xavier Arnauld de Sartre, Clotilde Chagny Gilles Debizet Marie Forget Nathalie KROICHVILI Sébastien Velut and Frédéric Wurtz
with the support of abdelilah slaoui
It will be the 1st of three Journées Scientifiques de l'Energie in Grenoble, from March 18 to 20, 2025.
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