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Grenoble Scientific Energy Days

18 March 2025 Multi-filières
Published by Gilles DEBIZET
Viewed 246 times

Registration is now open for the Journées Scientifiques de l'Energie de Grenoble, to be held March 18-20.

This will be a unique opportunity for researchers working on energy transitions to meet.

➡️ All information on the program can be found here:
➡️ Direct link for registration:

The 3-day event is organized as follows:
- March 18 // (CNRS-SHS, GAEL, PACTE) SHS and energy: focus on efficiency and flexibility
=> Day organized as part of a cycle of CNRS-SHS seminars on the energy transition.nergie transition, which aims to question the framing and practices of energy and planning players from an SHS perspective.

- March 19 // (PEPR TASE Flex-Mediation project) Energy intermediation: regulations et territorialités à la lumière des sciences sociales
=> A day that will question the professional practices of actors in energyand their role in regulating the sector in terms of energy justice and territoriality.

- March 20 // (PEPR TASE FlexTase project) Flexibility at the interface of Human and Social Sciences and Engineering Sciences
=> A day that aims to address the main challenges of energy system flexibility from the perspective of research at the interface between the Social and Human Sciences and the Engineering and Systems Sciences.

The event is co-organized by CNRS SHS, the GAEL laboratory, Laboratoire Pacte, with the support of the Observatoire de la Transition Energétique, Labex EnergyAlps and FR Innovacs ofGrenoble Alpes University.

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